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Mystery Box Bundle
Written by Narmina Balabayli
Updated over a week ago

A mystery box bundle is a surprise package filled with several items. The concept behind a mystery box bundle is that the specific contents of the bundle are unknown to the buyer until they receive and open it.

Now you can create your own Mystery Box with MBC Bundles! Please take a look at the features of such a bundle and follow the instructions below to create it.

For this type of bundle, the buyer will be able to select product options, such as size, or color, while the products themselves will not be displayed in the widget.

Creating a Mystery Box Bundle

1. Click 'Create bundle' button and choose 'Mystery Box' pattern.

NOTE: For this pattern, only the bundle type with its own product page is available.

2. Add products to the bundle.

You can add products in the standard way. Also, you can use the Mix&Match feature, which works as a product randomizer.

The store owner can either choose a fixed set of products for the Mystery box bundle if there is no Mix & Match, or if there is - the product set will change after page refreshing and those Mix & Match products will be chosen randomly from predefined list of products.

3. Choose discount type:

  • Sale Price

  • Fixed Discount

  • Discount on products on the Shopify side

  • Percentage

If the products of the Mystery Box bundle do not have options such as color or size, the widget will not be displayed.

How Mystery Box will look for your customers

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